We’re happy to announce a one-day workshop on Language and World taking place at Uni Graz's philosophy department on 10 Aug 2019. The provisional schedule (subject to change) is as follows:
10:00-11:30: Steve Yablo - tba
11:45-13:15: David Liggins - Quantification into predicate position and the metaphysics of properties
15:00-16:30: Katharina Felka & Alex Steinberg - In defense of Fregean that-clause semantics
17:00-18:30: Sally Haslanger - How not to change the subject
All talks take place in room 09.51 in building V, 5th floor (Heinrichstr. 26, 8010 Graz).
You’re cordially invited to attend all and any of the talks. We only ask that you register in advance by email to grazphilosophyconference(at)gmail.com (some preparatory material and updates will be supplied to registered participants).
Katharina Felka