Section Theoretical Philosophy
The research and teaching focus of the section includes epistemology, philosophy of language and theories of truth, and address fundamental questions about truth and knowledge, such as: Can truth be defined at all? Is it something objective? What is knowledge? What is the relationship between experiment and theory? Also, the acquisition of knowledge through science is examined philosophically. Other topics investigated include the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of logic, metaphysics, and philosophy of science.
The journal Grazer Philosophische Studien is co-published by members of the section.
Current research projects
Cluster of Excellence, Knowledge in Crisis (Austrian Science Fund)
October 1, 2023- September 30, 2028.
Prof. Marian David: Subproject: Language, Truth and Knowledge
Dr. Katharina Felka: Subproject: Language, Truth and Knowledge
Dr. Martina Fürst: Subproject: Knowledge Production in the Human Mind
PD. Dr. Guido Melchior: Subproject: The Reach of Human Knowledge
Knowing, Checking, and Other Epistemic Standings
FWF stand-alone project; Project leader: Guido Melchior; Project collaborator: Martina Fürst
Duration: 01.10.2020 - 31.03.2026
Through the Flower: Theory and Practice of Indirect Communication
FWF WEAVE project; project leader: Katharina Felka
Duration: 05.10.2023 - 04.10.2026
The naturalization of meaning (Naturalizing Meaning)
FWF Schrödinger project, project leader: Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau
Duration: 01.05.2023 - 30.04.2024
Completed research projects
The skeptical perspective
FWF Individual project P 28884
Laufzeit: 01.04.2016-31.03.2020
Project leader: Guido Melchior
The Fragmented Mind: Belief, Rationality and Action
FWF Individual project P 27587
Laufzeit: 01.04.2015-31.12.2019
Project leader: Marian David
Phenomenal Character and Cognitive States
Duration: 2015-2017
Project leader: Martina Fürst
Skepticism and self-knowledge
FWF Schrödinger Program J 3174
Laufzeit: 01.09.2011-31.08.2014
Project leader: Guido Melchior
Phenomenal concepts and anti-physicalism
FWF Firnberg Program T 507
Duration: 01.02.2011 - 30.06.2014
Project leader: Martina Fürst
Graz Philosophical Studies (GPS)
The journal, which is now published by Brill, was founded in 1975 by Rudolf Haller with the aim of promoting and deepening the academic exchange of experience in the field of analytic philosophy between Europe and the USA. Until 2001, Rudolf Haller was the editor; GPS is currently edited by Marian David (Graz), Martina Fürst (Graz), Guido Melchior (Graz) and Dolf Rami (Bochum). The GPS publishes essays in English and German on all areas of philosophy in the tradition of analytic philosophy. Four volumes are published annually, including special volumes with invited contributions on special topics. GPS is one of the leading philosophical journals in the German-speaking world.
Head of Section
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.phil. Marian David
Phone:+43 316 380 - 2304
Location:Institut für Philosophie
Opentimes:Do. 18:45 – 19:45, Raum 550